Skipped My Race Weekend

It’s been awhile since I’ve posted, and honestly, that’s because I didn’t have much to post. I totally fell off the wagon with my training for the Clearwater Rock n Roll Half Marathon. So much so, that I decided not to run it. While the race had a four hour time limit, something I could…

Clearwater RnR Training: Weeks 3 & 4

Week three was a little more challenging because I was traveling. That impacted my training schedule, and unfortunately, I skipped a lot of workouts. I gave myself a break on Monday, which may have been a mistake because that lasted all week long. I didn’t go for a single run. I managed to get some…

Clearwater RnR Training: Week 2

I wanted to keep the momentum going coming off of the first week of training. Even though it’s ungodly hot in Florida right now, I didn’t want that to derail my great start. Monday: I was still sore from last week, so I decided an active recovery day was needed, and I did a short…

Clearwater RnR Training: Week 1

Let me start by saying, I will not be picking an October race again…training through the summer in Florida is going to be brutal! But, since I’m in this situation, I’m going to make the most of it, and that meant starting my training this week. Sunday: I hit the gym for a 30min run…

May 2023 Running Recap

Surprisingly, the first week of May had some cooler mornings. They would have been perfect from running had I not already gotten on the bike…My only run the first week came from OrangeTheory. Once again, it was an endurance day, so it was great for training purposes. In the short time we were on the…

When I’m Not Training for a Race…

When I’m not training for a race, the struggle is real. One of my goals this year was remain consistent with running. I was mainly talking about running when it comes to summer because that’s always a challenge for me, but for some reason, I’ve been struggling to run in 2023. Since running the Walt…

February Peloton Recap

I didn’t need to worry about getting a peloton workout in the first few days of February because I already completed the five week streak on the last day of January. However, I did have every intention of going for a run on the first Thursday of the month, but I had been recovering from…

January Peloton Recap

As I mentioned, one of my goals this year is to complete a full year streak of Peloton workouts. And so far, the year has started out right! I kicked off my 2023 Peloton streak on January 3 with the New Year’s Day meditation. It felt like a good way to start the year. Later…

Apple Fitness+ Time to Run

Typically on my short, outdoor runs, I put on a Peloton outdoor workout. I decided to switch it up. I have an Apple One subscription, which includes Apple Fitness+. I figured I would give one of their “Time to Run” workouts a try. I selected the Season Two Highlights run, mainly because it was 27-minutes…

Rock ‘n’ Roll Clearwater, Here I Come!

I have always heard great things about the Rock ‘n’ Roll Running Series, so when I saw there was a race in Clearwater, I knew I needed to sign up! I will be running the half marathon on October 8, 2023. In addition to the half marathon, the Clearwater series also includes a 5K and…

2023 Walt Disney World Half Marathon

While 2023 didn’t start out great, I can say I successfully ran the 2023 Walt Disney World Half Marathon and had fun doing it. The struggle started on Wednesday night. I had just wrapped up working a show and was driving home when I got a call from my mom. She had just rushed my…

2023 WDW Half Marathon Training: Weeks 6 & 7

As I mentioned previously, week six got off to a rocky start since I was getting over a cold. Last Friday was the first day I felt good enough to workout…however, I had plans that evening, so I didn’t get a chance to run or do anything else. Saturday would have been my Aqua Zumba…