10 Races I Will Do Someday

I’m one of those people that started their bucket list at the age of 18 because I like to make lists and cross things off of them. Just the way I am. So today I’ve decided to make a list of 10 Races I want to do at some point in my life.

1. Disney’s Princess Half Marathon: I feel a little bad about putting this one on the list because I already have plans to run it this upcoming February. But here’s the reason why I’m adding it: this race is what made me want to run a half marathon. In 2011 my boyfriend and I went to Florida for spring break and spent a couple days in DisneyWorld. We happened to be there during the Princess Half. I told him right then and there, I was going to run that race and dress up like a princess too. He probably rolled his eyes at me because that happens all the time when I talk Disney. Never the less, I’ve kept that promise and February 2014 I will be running Disney’s Princess Half.

2. Dumbo Double Dare: I promise this is the last Disney race that will be on the list. If you’ve been following my blog, you’ll notice I’m a sucker for Disney races. I just find them so entertaining and I’m always looking for an excuse to go to Disney. I mean what 23 year old isn’t? Haha. Anyways, this was a new challenge Disney presented this year. It’s a 10K one day and a half marathon the following day. Normally I would never be crazy enough to do this, but I have an obsession with Dumbo the elephant and have since I was an itty bitty baby, so I’m not missing the chance to have a Dumbo medal. I toyed with the idea of running it this year, but within a matter of hours the race was sold out and I was out of luck. So 2014 will be the year. And, if I do both these Disney races mentioned I get a special Coast-to-Coast medal.

3. The Krispy Kreme Challenge: One day I will have the speed and stomach to do this race. Five miles, one hour, and a dozen donuts. You heard me. This five mile race has to be done in one hour and you have to consume 12 donuts. The first part is easy. Run 2.5 miles to the Krispy Kreme station. Then you have to attempt to eat 12 Krispy Kreme donuts…then run the 2.5 miles back. The return part sounds awful, but overall I think I’m going to have to try this out one day. Just have to figure out how to train for the eating part…

4. The Emerald Nuts Midnight Run: This is a four mile run held on New Year’s Eve in New York City’s Central Park. There’s even a (non-alcoholic) champagne station half way through the race and live entertainment. Can you think of a better way to celebrate the new year?

5. Drenched 5K: This 5K looks awesome! The first part is the “hot zone” and then you make your way to the “drench zone” where you get hit with misters, fire hose, and foam. There’s even a giant slip n slide to get you to the finish line. It’s only in select cities now but I wouldn’t be surprised if it expanded.

6. Rock ‘n’ Roll Half Marathon: When I was in the corral for my first half marathon, I met the sweetest women who does half marathons with her husband and she was telling me how great the Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon Series is. I started looking into it, and it does look like fun. There are tons across the world too, so it won’t be a problem finding one to run. The problem will be decided when and where I want to travel. Hopefully some place I haven’t been before!

7. Bay Shore Half Marathon: Traverse City is one of the most beautiful places in Michigan. I would know, I’m a Michigander. So one day I would like to do the Bay Shore Half Marathon. It’s supposed to be a beautiful route and the path is right along the water. How nice would that be? Especially since it’s in spring!

8. The Great Wall Half Marathon: I love China. It’s one of my favorite places to go, so why not run a half marathon on one of the most historic landmarks? My only fear with this one is the uphill and downhill battles. I really like flat land when I run, so getting my mental state and physical state ready for this one will be the hard part.

9. Niagara Falls Half Marathon: Going off of what I said about the previous race, this one is flat for the first 11 miles with the final 2.1 miles downhill. My kind of race. Plus Niagara Falls is beautiful no matter how many times you go.

10. A Glow Run: There are others besides the one I linked to, but this was the first one I ever looked into. In my opinion, it’s all the fun of The Color Run without the awful color dust thrown on you. Yes, I am probably the one person in the world that hated The Color Run and will never do it again. I’ll stick neon and lights.

So there ya have it. 10 races I will do some day. I’m sure this list will expand and change as time goes on, but for now…I’m hoping I can fit these in during the next 5 years or so.

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